Archivo de la categoría: Festivities

Guy Fawkes (5th November)

«Guy Fawkes» o «Bonfire Night»  is one of the most popular festivals in Britain. On 5th November, bonfires cover the whole country. The tradition has its origin in the year 1605 when a group of Catholics  tried to kill the prostestant king blowing The House of Parliament. To know more about it, here you have this activity. You may also watch the following video: click here.

Saint Patrick’s Day

El 17 de marzo se celebra el día de San Patricio («Saint Patrick’s Day»), aunque es el patrón de Irlanda, se celebra no sólo en este país sino en todo el mundo, principalmente por irlandeses que se encuentran en otros lugares. El color verde y todo un simbolismo  en torno a Irlanda forman parte de la celebración. El desfile mas importante  por este día se celebra en Nueva York. Haz clic aquí, para ver un vídeo con la información emitida en la cadena ITN. Ahora lee la siguiente información y contesta el siguiente cuestionario.


Did you know  Carnival had its origin as a pagan festival in ancient Egypt, then this popular festival was adopted by the Roman Catholic Christian church in Europe as the festival of Carne Vale. The word Carnival is made up of two Latin words: carne, meaning flesh,  and vale, meaning farewell. The Carnival marks the beginning of Lent. Nowadays it’s celebrated in many countries around the world.
Here you have links to the 5 most popular Carnival in the world:

a) Carnival in Tenerife                  b) Carnival in Notting Hill (London)

c) Carnival in Venice     d) Carnival in Rio de Janeiro    e) Carnival in Cadiz

New Year’s Resolutions

2014 has arrived, a new year is here again. Whenever this happens new expectations and desires come to our mind. In English there is an expression which makes refrence to it, that’s «New Year’s Resolutions»,  what are yours? get better marks? or perhaps start doing any sport?,  improve your English? ……….
To introduce the topic you may read the article published in Wikipedia, then, watch the video by  Mr Duncan.

Christmas time

It’s Christmas time and we want to post a new entry in which you may get resources to practise:

1º) Links to dialogues refered  to Xmas, from the web

a) The meaning of Xmas. See.

b) How they feel at Xmas. See.

c) Xmas in Canada. See.

d) Xmas in Switzerland. See.

2º) To know about Xmas in Great Britain, clic here. Once you’ve read the information, you may answer the questions: CHRISTMAS TRADITIONS.

3º) «Happy Xmas (War is Over).

4º) Finnally, you may leave a comment: «What do you like most and what don’t you like about Christmas?»?

European Day of Languages

BIENVENIDOS AL NUEVO CURSO 2013-2014!! Retomamos la actividad de este blog y esperamos que como en los cursos anteriores te sea de utilidad para seguir mejorando tu inglés. La primera entrada coincide con el Día Europeo de las Lenguas European Day of Languages«), el 26 de septiembre. Te dejamos una presentación con los consejos y recomendaciones que la Unión Europea ha dado para el aprendizaje de Idiomas.                                                                                                                                                   

También recuperamos otra entrada ya publicada en el blog, en ella el profesor Mr Duncan reflexiona sobre la manera de aprender inglés. Para ver el vídeo haz clic aquí


it’s Halloween, just listen, sing and enjoy this funny song!!

  • Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, how? if not, why?
  • What are your memories about Halloween?

Thanksgiving Day

«Thanksgiving Day» or «Día de Acción de Gracias» is a national holiday with religious significance in the United States, this year Thanksgiving Day falls on Thursday, November 24, 2011. Here you have a text with some questions to know more about it.

Now, have a look at this video about Thanksgiving Day Parade 2010 in New York.